We work on a whole mission as a process, not as a sequence of moments; the anchoring in the organization’s life and its reality is a key element to us; we build any element of the set-up in relation to the mission’s strategic objective –or primary task.
Furthermore our work’s theoretical base lies in the combination of our practice and experience of management and of the complex organizations’ functioning theory. Thus we use and transmit the observation of the following phenomena:
• The formal level (what is officially presented in the spoken words)
• The informal level (what is expressed in smaller circles)
• The underlying / hidden level (what is not verbally expressed and actually often remains to be discovered)
This allows to work on strategic and human dynamics by bringing a global view on systems and on their cultures, their identities, opportunities or potential threats, at any level of the client-partner’s hierarchy.
Added Value Our difference and added value come from our pathways and our work methodology.
Method: we are part of the systemic tradition of Institutional Transformation which means that we always privilege the global vision and the system dimension to the individual work of personal development. This allows to notably reduce the gap between the individual strategy curve and the company’s, in a common utility goal. We work on the roles which are taken by the people and the way they take them inside their working system, which facilitates the whole system evolution compared to the sole individual’s. The main goal of all this is to find out how to get out of a spot than to understand the origin of problems, even if this understanding remains a prerequisite.
By our pathways we are people working during moments of changes and breakdowns: development, expansion, overseas growth, crisis situations and restructuration. We have all worked on the field, we understand the reality and the imperatives of a company, its daily life, its blocks, its repetitions and the reasons that trigger them; this allows us to offer innovative solutions for a tailor-made service, away from the trap of pre-made solutions plated on the organization whatever the context.
We always work in teams, whether it is during an individual accompaniment work or during a collective intervention. This allows us to offer our clients-partners the fruit of an inter-vision and deepening work, by using our complementarities and always trying to bring a new look, the one of the other. At last our professional association is not just for us a training or professional recognition place but also an opportunity to offer our clients-partners multiple learning opportunities –thanks to our conferences- and the possibility to create their own original pathways, answering each person’s needs.To know more
Our approach is always the one of the Role taken on by the Person within a System and thus gives the priority to the articulation between: individual history; the role that the person takes on; his/her conscious and unconscious relations with the institution (company, public administration, NGO, etc), its culture; the context in which the person is performing; existing systemic dynamics.
Beyond simple personal development, we work on the transformation of the role to better exercise leadership and to take his/her authority inside the system.
Avutann’s methodology is the Institutional Transformation one, developed in France since the late 70s by the International Forum for Social Innovation (IFSI-FIIS), which prolongs the group process school, notably carried through by W.R. Bion and adds to the psychoanalytical theory as well as to the open systems the political and strategic dimensions, stemming from our experience as leaders, managers and consultants.
Several Avutann partners carry IFSI-FIIS leadership, which regularly trains new consultants in Institutional Transformation through the Leading Consultation program: it is one of the few which, in addition to providing a certification, is associated with a university program through the prestigious School of Management of the University of Bath, UK.
In the tradition of systemic and group relations schools, as well as in the Institutional Transformation one, our practice is based on learning by experience, which means that every intervention is based on a back-and-forth going between experience, analysis, discernment, theoretical elements and their concrete implementation.
Our missions are apprehended one after the other and performed depending on the client’s needs, the context and the mission’s objective settled with him/her: our set ups are thus always tailor-made: beyond dogma.